November 18th, 2024

When you hear the phrase ‘teaching as a missionary in Mexico’, a variety of things could come to mind. Maybe you imagine being barefoot on dirt streets with children crowded all around, as you open God’s Word with them. Perhaps you think of handing out Gospel tracts and teaching and sharing the good news of Jesus with those who might never have never heard. Or possibly the first thing that comes to mind is going on a short term mission trip, leading a VBS with your local church. 

Although all of these ways most definitely encompass teaching as a missionary in Mexico, we believe that GEM (Global Education Ministries) presents a unique and special way to teach as a missionary in Mexico in a way that you may never have considered before.  

When you sign a contract to work at a GEM school, your primary motivation is that you consider it a significant and high calling to teach as a missionary in your classroom in Mexico or whatever country you are serving in. GEM schools are created to act as a means for the Gospel to go forth in the lives of these students and their families. There are many motivations for why you might move to Mexico to teach- but with GEM, looking for an adventure or trying to be the best 3rd grade teacher are not the reasons. Instead, we believe that if God has gifted you in teaching and working with kids, you can use those talents as you live out what it means to be a follower of Jesus in all of your words and actions towards your students. Teaching as a missionary in Mexico takes on a whole new meaning as you take every opportunity each day in your classroom to point your students back to Christ.

As you go through the human body unit with your 4th graders in science, teaching as a missionary in Mexico means you point out and highlight how amazing, creative, and incredible our God is, as you study His works. As you deal with a behavior issue with your 1st grader who keeps acting out, teaching as a missionary in Mexico means approaching this student with gospel centered discipline that points him/her back to Jesus and His forgiveness. As you interact with your students’ parents throughout the year, teaching as a missionary in Mexico means you continue to pursue them intentionally by forming gospel centered relationships with the hope of eventually sharing Christ with them. These are just a handful of the ways of what it means to teach as a missionary in Mexico with Global Education Ministries!

 – Meg Herring, GEM Co-Founder


Global Education Ministries