We Are Made To Connect

Last week I sat at the graveyard here in Juquila, holding one of our students Hugo as he cried, watching his grandfather be lowered into his grave. At that moment, really nothing else mattered. All of the choices Brett and I had made to end up here led up to this very moment. These minutes, sitting, being the one to comfort this child. The one to teach him every day and be a real part of his life. That is why we’re here. To walk through life with these kids through the joy of learning in the classroom as well as walking through the really hard things of life.

I experienced pain with Hugo mixed with a deep peace that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. On this day, I almost didn’t go to the funeral because our day was so filled with things to do and get done. So often I am so selfish with my time and I lose sight of what is most important. I am so thankful for God’s grace that brought me to this moment, completely surrendered and in awe of what He has for us. In moments like these, all the doubts, the struggles, the really hard days are made worth it. The struggles that have at times consumed my days didn’t come to mind other than to remind me that if it wasn’t for the struggle, I wouldn’t know the strength and love God has for me as I do now.

I know the doubts will come and the hard days also but this moment in the graveyard really refreshed my heart and reminded me of the very essence of life. We are made to connect. That is our purpose. With God first and then with others. We have a choice to walk idly through the motions of life, striving after productivity or to open our heart and eyes to the numerous, precious, holy moments that make up our days as we connect with our Heavenly Father and His beloved people here on earth.

My sister in law shared a quote with me that says, “There will never be a time in eternity, when standing before Jesus and worshipping Him that you will regret giving up everything to follow Him.”
My prayer is that my eyes will be open to all of the moments God has for me to be a part of and aware of. I don’t want to just get things done and be productive, I want to experience all He has for me, slowing down and taking part of whatever He has.

-Annie Balsley, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Brett and Annie as they serve with GEM in Juquila to share the gospel with this unreached town, you can do so HERE. You can also contact them directly to talk further about what it means to be on their support team and find out how you can be praying for them!