The Spring

Our little school, El Manantial, which is translated to “The Spring” in English, is named so because of John 7:38 which says:

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

El Manantial has worked its way deep into my heart, and I have a profound love for my students that only God could have placed there. I know God has given me a great opportunity to be a part of the work He is doing at this school.

If you could be a fly on the wall in my classroom and were to observe the precious ways, as well as the hilarity of my students, I know you would love them in an instant. The things they often say and do put smiles on our faces for days! The love I have for them goes far beyond their cute faces and personalities though.

Although working with young kids can be hard and leave even the strongest person feeling worn out and exhausted by the energy they consume, it is such a privilege to be teaching them during their extremely formative years. At times, I am struck by what an honor it is to be teaching these kids the things they will carry on into their entire lives. From the little things like how to use a pair of scissors and to count, how to be a loving friend, or how to speak to others using their first English words. It is thrilling! I can’t help but imagine what smart, kind, and successful individuals they will grow up to be.

Even though teaching them in these ways is exciting and rewarding, this actually isn’t what fuels me in my love of pouring into their lives day after day. These things are good things for this life, but they have no eternal effect on them. The reality is that it would all be in vain if that was the extent of my impact. Far greater is the incredible opportunity I have been given to speak the gospel into their lives.

It is well established at the school, that if this ever becomes JUST a school we may as well close. If we lose sight of the greatest impact we have on these beautiful lives, we are wasting our time. My prayer is that I won’t waste a day in this precious opportunity God has given me to share with my students the greatest blessing in my own life. I desire that they will believe in Jesus, that springs of living water will flow out of their hearts as well, and that the students of El Manantial will impact this community far beyond simply raising up good, hard-working, responsible citizens. This will follow as they follow Jesus, the One who gives eternal life! Teaching them the Love of God will carry on into an eternity of true living. This is the greatest opportunity God has given me, that I get to pour this kind of love into my students’ lives! 

Amelia Klacik, GEM missionary