Learning About a Perfect Creator

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see. (Colossians 1:15-16)

How sweet is to be reminded that God is the creator of all things. Everything that exists finds purpose in Him. These verses are a great inspiration and encouragement, and also a source of peace knowing I can rest in the presence of my Creator, that made me and made all the things.

Life here on Earth can often be really unstable and feel senseless. And in one of these kind of moments the Holy Spirit guided me through the Scriptures to remind me of this powerful and gracious truth: God is the creator of all things. All the things were created by Him and for Him.

As a teacher, sometimes I feel overwhelmed and pressured by the responsabilities of teaching my young students the bases for the subjects they will be using for the rest of their lives. I think over and over, subject after subject: “I should go deeper in this concept, they will need it a lot when [insert a hypothetical situation that can happen but I can’t know for sure now]”.

This fear is more present in my lesson plannings than I’d like to confess to you all. But when I put some thinking into how to weave the gospel in the topics I’m teaching… That’s usually the moment that God reminds me: all the things I have to teach my students were created by Him, and all the things I have to teach my students find purpose in Him, ultimately.

One of my favorite things about weaving the gospel in my classes is the a great oportunity to share this truth with the kids. All the things we study in school, God has created in this world: the nature, the relation between nature and humans, how people communicate and behave, and the variations of these areas. All things were created by God and find purpose in Him.

Whether in the relations among geometric shapes making sense because of each detail of their characteristic sides and angles; or studying the water cycle and how many times water changes its state of matter… In all things we can see God’s great and thoughtful character. What an amazing thing it is to use the learning of school subjects to contemplate how great our Creator is.

God is so gracious for allowing us to enjoy the world He created. And more than that, there’s so much of His grace when we take more steps toward understanding His perfect thoughts as the creator of all things. I’ve been finding so much grace in teaching Science, Math, Social Studies, different languages… And as a consequence learning more of the perfect God that made all things. God is so good and gracious for letting us find the evidences of His greatness as we learn more about this amazing world He created. What a sweet gift is to be a part my students journeys while they learn different subjects, and even more than that: be part of their process of discovering a God who loves them so perfectly and created all things so wonderfully.

– Jady Vaneli, GEM Missionary