Running To Your Arms

One of the most (actually THE MOST) exciting event that happened in my life during the year 2016 was…getting engaged!! November 10, 2016 was a day that will forever live in my mind. Moving to a different country where I can share my faith as I teach, work with people who are focused on heavenly things, and get married to an amazing man…wow, God truly knows His children.

This beautiful town of Puerto Escondido is a place known for its beaches. And as the hour grows later, many people can be found surfing or simply sitting in a location to watch the sunset. The brilliant oranges, pinks, reds, and yellows, contrasted with the clear blue of the ocean is a sight only to be fully treasured in person. And I have quickly learned that these sunsets are even more amazing with a person you love by your side.

One Monday afternoon I was on my way to a beach called La Punta for a spontaneous sunset date. As I was running there, I began to feel this excitement in my heart. I was running to my fiancé. I was running to someone who loves me in all my weaknesses. Someone who wanted to face hard times and beautiful moments together for the rest of our lives. And even though we have only been dating a year I felt as though it was the beginning of our relationship, due to the butterflies ever increasing in my stomach. Then a thought made me stop (not literally…I kept right on running).

Here I am running to a man who loves me so much (I know because he buys me tacos all the time), but his love can never come close to the love that God has for me. That mental image of a person running towards someone that they love, someone they invest time and energy to learn more about, someone that invokes butterflies to flood their stomach.

That is how I want to be with Jesus. I want to treasure my time spent focused on learning more about Him. I want to think about His love and feel butterflies. I want to desire His presence and keep Him in my thoughts. I want to run…run into His arms.

IMG_7198Sarah Quigg graduated from Liberty University in 2015 with a B.S. in Special Education. She loves running and growing closer to God while exploring His creation! This is her second year teaching 5th grade at the Manantial School in Mexico.