Missionary Teachers

(Belief in) The priesthood of all believers means giving dignity to the Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick maker…praying for them like you would a missionary sent to Papa New Guinea.”          – Steve Garber

It’s been over two years now since my wife and I moved from Virginia to Mexico to teach with Global Education Ministries. I remember the moment that Kristen told me about this opportunity to move to Mexico to work at this school. One of my first thoughts and concerns was what I was going to do. Let’s be honest, the main reason we were being asked to move to Mexico was for Kristen to teach…and then maybe let’s see how Daniel could fit in as well. It turned out that I could help with some administrative stuff and help with some recruiting, which I enjoyed doing. But in addition to this, I was asked to teach an elective the first year. If you knew me as a young boy, you know that teaching is way outside of my comfort zone.

Last year, I was asked to teach Bible class to 8th-grade classes and I did. Now this year, I am teaching math and Bible. Now I would say that I am far from a qualified teacher, but God has used this in my life to show me how He works in common, everyday jobs. He has used these opportunities to remind me of my need of dependence upon Him. But more than what God has shown me, He has used me and allowed me to build relationships with my students and share about true life that is found in Jesus. It has led Kristen and I to having a strong bond with several of our students and their families.

I am not the biggest fan of teaching. In fact, it has been really hard for me. However, teaching has been a tool for what my soul truly longs for. Teaching has allowed me to build relationships beyond the walls of a small classroom Monday through Friday. It has given me the freedom to speak into these young boys and girls and share my life with them. My hope is that I don’t only become a better teacher or administrator, but that my love for Jesus exceeds the confines of my classroom and my desk to proclaim the goodness of my King. Whatever job that I have now or in the future is the avenue in which Christ will be shared.

Two weeks ago, we had a chapel for the middle school students and I had the privilege of sharing. I talked about our life and how it is a vapor. It is so short compared to eternity. I urged our students to love and treasure Jesus above all things in their lives. After this time, one of my students whom I had spent a lot of time with came to me and said that He feels far from God. We were able to talk about God and his goodness and that he doesn’t have to do a set of rules to be close to Jesus. I asked him what God was speaking to him about and he responded, “I want to follow Jesus. I want to live for Him.” The Holy Spirit had drawn him to the realization of his sin and the need for Jesus. THIS! This is why I am at this school. This is why we need Christians in every type of workplace to proclaim His goodness and grace. Do you have a normal job where you work 40 hours or more surrounded by people who may not know Jesus? Perfect. Jesus lived a normal life as a carpenter for 30 years. God is working in your context. Are you listening as He speaks?

-Daniel McDonald, GEM Missionary 
If you’d like to support Daniel and his wife, Kristen as they serve with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact them directly to talk further about what it means to be on their support-team and find out how you can be praying for them!