Known & Loved

I am completely known and loved by God. Psalm 139:13-16 tells us:

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

God knows everything about us! Recently, I have found comfort in the truth that a Holy God chooses to know everything about me and love me for me.

How special is it when a friend or significant other remembers something near and dear to your heart? Maybe it’s your Chick-fil-a order or on a serious note, they remember to pray for you during a time of need. When someone remembers things like that, it makes you feel special because you are known.

As believers, we are constantly under attack. Satan loves to make us feel alone and tries to isolate us as much as possible. He tries to feed us lies that people don’t care, don’t remember and you are all alone.

Although friends and family surround me, there are many times that I feel alone. I have wrestled with why I feel that way and what causes me to feel alone when I am surrounded by people whom I love and I know love me.

Being known and loved by our Holy God is the core of the Gospel. God loved us so much that He chose to send Jesus to earth to live a sinless life. He KNEW how much He loved us before we were even born. And He knew what He needed to do to save us to be reunited with Him.

Satan wants us to feel alone because when we feel alone, we are isolated from the core of the Gospel- that we are known and loved by God.

Sometimes as believers, we have this wrong view of God that He keeps track of our wrongs to hold them against us. Our God isn’t Santa Clause. Our God is a gentle, compassionate, tender, loving God who only wants the best for us.

Since I have moved to Puerto, God has constantly reminded me that He knows. He knows when I am hurting. He knows when I need a friend. He knows what makes me excited and happy. He knows that I love the ocean, wildflowers, sunsets and ice cream. I can rest in Him because He knows me. Completely.

The same truth is for you too! When you put your faith and trust in Jesus as your savior, you become His child. Let me tell you, God loves His children.

It wasn’t easy to pack up my life in two suitcases, leave my family and friends and move to a country that I don’t even speak the language. But God knows. And because He knows me and loves me completely, He has tenderly cared for me through this journey and He will continue to do so through the rest of my life.

I have to choose to remember the truth that I am known and loved by God. Leaving no room for Satan to tempt me with the lies that I am alone.

You are known and you are loved by the most Holy God.

Kayla Miller, GEM Missionary