Jenna’s Call to Mexico

Growing up, I have listened to many missionaries speak at my church, and throughout different church events that I attended. My eyes and heart were always filled with wonder and awe as I listened to these missionaries speak and share their love for Jesus and what they did overseas. In the depths of my heart, I prayed many times that the Lord would allow me to be a missionary overseas. I wanted to experience what these missionaries were doing, and I wanted to make an impact for Christ.

As I got older, I became very complacent in my walk with the Lord. I did not grasp the Gospel for myself, but I was trying to live a life that was striving for perfection, not satisfaction in Christ. I still dreamed of becoming a missionary, but in the back of my mind, I never thought that it would happen.

In 2014, at the age of seventeen, I went to the Word of Life Bible Institute. That year, the Lord radically changed my life, my heart, and the way that I saw the Gospel and people. The Gospel became real to me, I took hold of my relationship with Jesus as my own. As I did that, by His grace, I saw missions in a new light. After my two years at the Word of Life Bible Institute, I see missions as not just an overseas thing, but an everyday life mission. I see that wherever I am, I am a missionary. Wherever I am, I want the love and grace of Jesus to pour out of me, and that is only through His strength!

Recently, I had the privilege to go to Portugal on a two-month  missions trip. I loved every minute of it and saw the hand of Jesus through everything. It was there that I prayed for the Lord to guide me where He wants me to be next. I want to use the gifts that God has given me to honor Him, and I prayed that God would use my gifts in any way He wants. The Lord reminded me of the passion that He has given me for kids! I absolutely love kids. I think each one of them is incredible, special, and uniquely made by the Lord for His purpose and glory. I knew about Global Education Ministries, and when I looked into it more, I saw what an awesome opportunity it would be to be able to pour into little lives every day, and to show these children how special they are and what an amazing purpose Jesus has for their lives!! After praying more, and seeking what Jesus wants me to do, I have started to pursue going to Mexico, and asking the Lord to provide for everything if this is truly where He wants me to be.

So, now I am here, by the Lord’s sweet, sweet grace. It is true that He gives us the desires of our hearts. He knows my heart, my gifts, and where my passions lie. I feel so undeserving to have this opportunity to serve Him in Mexico as I have the privilege to teach and love on the children I get to see each day! I praise the Lord for all this, because all these blessings are from Him, and it’s a privilege to serve my Savior!!

Jenna Osimo, GEM Missionary