2021 Giving Catalog
Give a gift that will bless our students
and their families all over the world

Help Start a School
God continues to open doors for GEM to start gospel saturated schools around the world. Give to our advancement fund and spread the Gospel through a new GEM school.
*24/30 gifts needed to reach our goal

Missionary Training 2022
Training is so important for preparing a missionary to serve overseas. Help make sure all GEM missionaries receive the training they need to be impactful in the mission field.
*18/20 gifts needed to reach our goal

Support a Family in Need
Even with low rates, some families still struggle to pay their tuition. Give to a fund that supports our school families in need and ensure their children continue to hear the gospel every day.
*7/10 gifts needed to reach our goal

Flights for Missionaries
Traveling home helps keep missionaries refreshed, encouraged and connected to their family and church body. Donate a flight to bless a foreign serving missionary and their family.
*13/15 gifts needed to reach this goal

Sponsor a New Printer
The Manantial School was forced to buy a new printer this year, although it wasn't budgeted for. Please sponsor the purchase of this printer so that the money taken from other school programs can be reimbursed to our school for the benefit of our students!
*10 gifts needed to reach this goal

Feed a Student at Bridge Way
The Bridge Way breakfast and lunch program is critical to each student's learning. Help feed a student for a year so that when they enter the classroom they are ready to learn.
*135/150 gifts needed to reach this goal

Support School Renovations
Renovations and repairs are always needed on our school buildings. Give towards our renovation fund and ensure our classrooms are in tip top shape for our students.
*10 gifts needed to reach this goal

Sponsor a Community Outreach Event
Each year GEM schools host several outreach events where people hear the gospel. Help GEM fund these events and allow more people to encounter the gospel!
*7/10 gifts needed to reach this goal

Support our Curriculum Fund
As our schools grow, there is always a need for more curriculum! Give towards this fund so we're able to equip our teachers with the best tools to teach their students
*18/20 gifts needed to reach this goal
Give a gift that will bless our newest school start up
in Colombia, South America!

Donate Office Supplies
Opening a new school requires some startup office supplies. Help us purchase a computer, copy machine, and other much needed office supplies.
*19/20 of these gifts needed to reach our goal

New School Training
All Colombian teachers at our new school will share the gospel with their students each day. Give to help train and equip teachers to saturate their classrooms in the gospel every day.
*10 gifts needed to reach this goal

Sponsor Sports Equipment
We all know that PE is most students’ favorite class! Bless our new students in Colombia with sports equipment that can be used during PE and recess.
*20 gifts needed to reach this goal

Provide Classroom Supplies
Bless our teachers and our students by making sure our classrooms are stocked and full of teaching supplies.
*3/4 gifts needed to reach this goal

Help us Paint our Classrooms
In a new school there is always a need for paint and paint supplies! Give so that our Colombia school can paint their office and classroom walls in preparation for their first school year!
*1 gift needed to reach this goal!

Donate Tables and Desks
Starting a new school means new desks and tables! Give to support our furniture fund and make sure all students have a desk.
*29/30 gifts needed to reach this goal
Make an additional donation
Would you like to make an additional donation to an area where it is most needed?
We are extremely grateful for your support! Your love and generosity gives us the chance to start and run schools that provide quality education to the families who may otherwise not receive it. Most importantly, your giving also allows the spread of the gospel through GEM schools to students, their families, and the community.
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