Cultivating Content Hearts

In the middle of February, my hubby and brother in law, Sam, hopped on several planes to fly across the world, checking out a new opportunity for how God might use GEM in Uganda. While they were away, my sister so graciously allowed us to invade their home, knowing that would mean a full house of 7 kids, ages 7 and under. It was such a treat for us all to get good cousin and sister time together. To say the kids had a blast is an understatement.

One night as I was reading stories to my kiddos before bed (my sister was out with her kids at a birthday party), my boy Eli who has been known to show lots of emotion, cried out, pretty upset, “Man, I wish I was in the Matus family! Can I change families?”’ Obviously upset because his cousins were getting to enjoy cake and fun, staying out late, while he was at home with mom getting ready for a normal bedtime of 7 pm.

As I heard this comment, what seemed like a meaningly harmless kid complaint, stopped me in my tracks that night. Oh how quickly our hearts run to discontentment! What Eli hadn’t mentioned was all the goodness he got to take part in that day- a morning with all his buddies jumping at a trampoline park, yummy treats and snacks, an afternoon spent playing with cousins in the sunshine, and the list goes on and on. Yet, the thing he chose to focus on was just one small thing he couldn’t take part in that night. One small thing that he saw being held back from him.

How easy it would be for me to think “Oh, Eli, you’re just being a complainer! Get over it!”, but when I stop and think about it, isn’t this how we ALL are, over and over again in our sinful flesh?? We are just as guilty as a 5-year-old, giving in to the dangerous path of discontentment. We so quickly focus on what we don’t have, what we wish we could change, what we think would make our life so much better. Yet, God in his graciousness knows exactly what we need to make us more like Himself.

I love this quote by Elizabeth Elliott.

“God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don’t have now, we don’t need now. And what we do need now, we do have now: God the Father’s loving, sovereign hand working all things for our good, Christ the Son as our advocate, Savior, and righteousnessand the Holy Spirit’s intercession, help, and comfort surrounding us day by day.”

Oh, how I have so much room to learn and grow in this area, just like my boy Eli! If I really stop and consider Gods sovereignty moment by moment, it should truly change the way I view every situation as it comes to me. Knowing that God has promised I have EXACTLY what I need for EVERY moment, (not too much or not too little, but that I am PERFECTLY supplied) should fill me with joy and contentment.

Instead of desiring “greener pastures” around me, I want to consistently run to God in thanksgiving, so grateful that He, in His kindness and goodness, only gives ME what is best for ME. This ‘best’ might not play out in my mind like I would have imagined, just like Eli wasn’t so convinced that he was in the right family that night. But thank goodness, God doesn’t operate in our limited view of what is best! His eyes that see all and know all are acting and working in every area of our life to make us more like Himself! Every situation that is given to us or held back from us is sifted through His wise and all knowing hands. And these promises should be enough to make our hearts sing with confidence, “Thank you Lord- Right now, in this moment, I have everything I could ever need!”

-Megan Herring, GEM Co-founder

If you’d like to support Meg and Casey Herring as they serve with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact them directly to talk further about what it means to be on their support team and find out how you can be praying for them!