This Strange Season

As the nightly routine was winding down, I went to check on my kiddos, who had just showered and were climbing into bed oh so nicely and quietly (anyone who is a parent knows this isn’t true 😉). I went to kiss my 5 year old goodnight and when giggles erupted, I knew that something was up. I untucked her sheet and saw her dressed from head to toe in her school uniform (backpack and all). When asked why, she simply said “I know Mama, but I just miss school and this outfit so much!”

For a 5 year old, not seeing her teachers and friends for the last few weeks is hard. Knowing that most likely she won’t be able to finish her Kindergarten year is even harder. And while these things are difficult in her little world, the reality is that this pales in comparison to how most peoples’ lives have been turned upside down. Jobs lost, weddings cancelled, family members sick, businesses closing, schedules destroyed and the list goes on and on.

It’s easy, at least for me, to live in this place of “when this is all over.”  When this is all over, we’ll get back to normal. When this is all over, routines will start and kids will be in school. When this is all over, life will be be more exciting again and peace will come easier. Yet, as I’m slowly learning day by day, this isn’t what God has for us in this midst of this unique season.

As John Piper stated, “God not only comprehends the coronavirus; he has purposes for it. God does nothing, and permits nothing, without wise purposes. Nothing just happens. Everything flows from the eternal counsels of God (Ephesians 1:11). All of it is wisdom. All of it is purposeful. For those who trust Jesus Christ, all of it is kindness.”

ALL of this is PURPOSEFUL. ALL of this is KINDNESS. For those who trust Jesus, none of this time is wasted. Not to say, there’s not room for grief or sadness. There’s plenty of room to cry out to God when our lives are uprooted and change is drastic. Yet, it’s what we do afterwards and how we move forward that shows we trust our good Father.

When we say, Lord you are RICH in wisdom, it shows we believe His purposes are greater than we could comprehend. When we choose joy amidst the monotony, it shows our gladness comes in Him alone and not our circumstances. When we live faithfully one day at a time, it shows that we believe He daily carries our burdens.

I have so much to learn during this time. Over the past few weeks, I’ve said my fair shares of “Im sorry” and “please forgive me” as we continue to learn how to navigate life in this new and different season. Yet, I don’t want to look back and see that I lived these months in a spirit of “when this is all over.”’ Instead I want to look back and think, yes it was hard, but as I daily kept my eyes fixed on Him, He filled me with joy, peace, and grace even GREATER.

-Megan Herring, GEM Co-founder

Fear, Anxiety, Stress, oh my

In these uncertain times, God has been teaching me what it looks like to live surrendered and filled with His peace alone. 

Everyday I am faced with a war from the enemy who tries to sneak fear, anxiety, and or stress into my heart and my life. These things attempt to wipe out any feeling of stability and peace that I have in Christ Jesus. I take my focus off of King Jesus and before I know it, I am stuck in the “King of Me” mentality. 

What I am learning is that fear, anxiety and stress aren’t written across my forehead. When I look into the mirror, the symptoms of these sins aren’t always showing. Of course, there are times that they are, but daily, these things can sneak in and hide so quietly. 

When I am faced with situations or circumstances, the symptoms flare up and these sins will show their true destruction in my heart and life. Fear, anxiety and stress are parasitic. They slowly creep in and wreck havoc in our lives and relationships that is always beyond our own repair. 

As believers, we have the ultimate healing, cleansing and peace that is the only remedy to any type of parasitic destruction that our hearts are facing. That remedy is Jesus Christ alone. 

There has never been a better time than now to continue trusting and resting in the peace that we have in Jesus, alone. The world says “freak out, be anxious, be afraid,” God says, “be still.” 

Jesus tells us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” 

I am learning to live in the peace that has been given to me. When I am faced with a situation or circumstance, I can ask Jesus to be my peace. No matter what I am faced with in this life, I can live and love others in peace. I am a child of God. He won’t leave me nor forsake me. And the same is true for you when you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.  

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

-Kayla Miller, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Kayla as she serves with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact her directly to talk further about what it means to be on her support team and find out how you can be praying for her!

Creation Worships

With everything going on in our world, there are so many things swirling around in my head. It may seem random, but one thing that I cannot seem to shake is the reality that creation worships. It is a simple thought, but whether I am in Puerto Escondido or back in the United States, my heart continues to be drawn to this idea that creation worships. 

Recently, I was sitting outside and simply watching what was going on around me, and I noticed the ways that creation was dancing and singing before it’s Creator. The trees and grass dance in the wind. The birds sing joyous songs, and the bees buzz along with the birds’ songs. The sun spins around the world each day. Creatures run, jump, fly, and move with joy as they simply live as God has created them. Each night, the sun and clouds paint this beautiful display of God’s glory in the sky, and every morning flowers bloom proudly as they show off their splendor. The ocean bows as it crashes into the shore, wave after wave. Creation puts on this glorious display of worship each day. 

“Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise! Say to God, ‘How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you. All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.’”

Psalm 66:1-4

While our lives may be on pause because of COVID-19 right now and all of the uncertainty, creation has not stopped in what they were created to do. Creation continues to worship, and we are invited to be a part of this beautiful song and dance before our maker as well.

“All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations.” 

Psalm 145:10-13

Even though life looks differently now and many things feel uncertain and unknown, I know that I am still called to worship. Whether I am working from home, making bread, doing my laundry, going on a run, or chatting with a friend, I am able to worship my Maker. It looks different than it did a few weeks ago, but our God has not changed despite our quickly changing world. While you are at home during this season, find ways to worship. He is worthy of our time and praise, and honestly, now we have an abundance of time and energy to give to our God. Let us shift our focus from our worries and uncertainties to our God, and let us worship Him today along with the rest of creation. 

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!”

Psalm 150

-Rachel Hill, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Rachel as she serves with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact her directly to talk further about what it means to be on her support team and find out how you can be praying for her!

This Hope We Have

My wife and I love our jobs here in Mexico. We love our students and the ability to live and serve here in the amazing town of Puerto Escondido. If you came to Mexico to visit, it would not take long for us to share about what’s going on with our students and nd what all that God is doing here.

It’s in our nature as humans to share with others with what most impacts us. We will share with others what we constantly think about. This time in the world is no different. It does not take me long to scroll through social media to see it completely saturated with news of this pandemic that we are experiencing in this world. It has impacted the entire world and influencing how we think about life. 

Over 70 years ago, C.S. Lewis wrote how the world should respond during an atomic age. One thing that he wrote really impacted me. He said this, 

“They (referring to atomic bombs) may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.”

These words resonate deeply with me. C.S. Lewis noticed that many people impacted by this crisis were dominated by the fear of this that it completely controlled their minds. The Coronavirus has impacted our world, but it doesn’t have to dominate our minds. 

Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  Psalm 145:13 says, “Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations.” God’s kingdom will never fail. He is our refuge right now. He is our hope in the midst of this crisis. These words are rich and give us hope in the midst of a shaken world. 

One of my favorite bands, Kings Kaleidoscope, wrote a song called “Trackless Sea”, and in it they write:

“I’m holding on, to feelings in between

The faith I want, is bound in apathy

I’m tired of doubt, and feeling incomplete

Still, this hope I hold is my reality.”

As Christians, we should be concerned with what is going on with the world. There is wisdom in knowing what is going on and what we can do to stay safe and keep others safe. We should pray for everyone that is being impacted and take precautions as well. But we have a hope that is not moved. This hope impacts our response. 

1 Peter 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

Brothers and Sisters, we have a living hope through Jesus who came to give us His life. Our hope is not in the circumstances of this world, but in a God who is on control, a God who suffered and conquered death. This hope we have… is our reality!

-Daniel McDonald, GEM Missionary 
If you’d like to support Daniel and his wife, Kristen as they serve with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact them directly to talk further about what it means to be on their support-team and find out how you can be praying for them!

Slowing Down

Im reading a book right now called The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. It’s been so challenging and convicting and a message so relevant to our culture today.

Before I read it, I figured it would just be an easy read considering I live in a small mountain town where no one is in a hurry. Man was I wrong. Through technology and the culture I was raised in, a lifestyle of hurry comes so naturally. From the moment I wake up in the morning there are temptations lurking everywhere causing me to not be able to focus on what my heart truly needs and deeply desires.

Sometimes I struggle to connect with God and my prayer is normally, “Lord, please give me more of a desire for you.”

But when I truly think about it, I do desire Him so much. Yes of course there are parts of me that desire other things but I generally want more of Jesus. So as I’ve pondered and been challenged by this book, I’ve come to realize that the problem isn’t necessarily a lack of desire, it is my inability to truly sit and be quiet with Jesus.

And that is the place where you grow.

Spiritual disciplines are the key to growth but nothing in our culture today encourages them.

I get up to read and pray each morning but how much of that time is my mind filled with thinking of what I need/want to get done or just mindlessly checking my phone.

Im so thankful for the grace God has for us and how when we realize where we are at fault, He meets us right where we’re at and helps us!  Since reading this book, I’ve really been challenged to push against the culture of hurry. And the result of that is that I’ve really been enjoying my intimacy with Jesus. Rules can seem legalistic but they’re actually a good thing. Making a rule to not look at my phone is really helpful. I can actually meditate, slow down, and let God’s word enter my heart when I make that boundary with technology.

I believe our purpose in life is to grow in Christ and to connect with others. If I’m not being intentional to slow down, to be quiet before Jesus, to really talk to Him,  and to remove distraction, I will not be able to carry out these purposes. I must make an effort to fight against the impulses I have to turn to the next thing when the thing in front of me is what I really need to dwell on.

If you don’t have a desire to grow in Christ, pray for it. God will give it to you! If you find yourself in a similar place as me, a desire to grow but feeling you can’t, do all that you can to remove distraction. Get into a place where your heartbeat can slow down to the pace of Jesus’ because it is there where we can recall our identity, have our life directed, and walk in peace and slowness with our Savior, our truest friend.

-Annie Balsley, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Brett and Annie as they serve with GEM in Juquila to share the gospel with this unreached town, you can do so HERE. You can also contact them directly to talk further about what it means to be on their support team and find out how you can be praying for them!

The Joy of the Body of Christ 

Life was never intended to be lived alone in our own strength. That’s why God created Eve for Adam, and intended the church to be a body of believers. I’ve been so humbled by this truth in September. 

Let me start by saying I hate going to the doctor and I hate missing work. This month I have done both of those things way more than I am comfortable with. In the last 30 days, I somehow managed to take 9 trips to the hospital, yes 9, and missed 8 (and counting) days of work. I have been reminded daily that we can’t control our lives and our bodies have not yet been made perfect. However, I have also been reminded how sweet the gift of community is. I have had to rely on the help of others this month, like never before. Things that once were so easy, like getting out of bed, walking, driving, and eating, became difficult to do without the help of others. Not something I imagined I would say at the 24. However, in the midst of feeling like my body was useless, the Lord showed me two sweet truths. 

Truth one: The Lord’s timing is always sovereign. 

I would have never chose to go through all of the trips to the hospital and or to have an organ removed from my body if it were up to me. I just started developing relationships with my students, parents, and the other teachers, and it did not seem like an opportune time to fly back to the states for surgery. But, the Lord saw it fit in his timing to pull me away and take care of my body. And while I have been recovering, I have been able to spend so much more time with the Lord than I would have if I were in the classroom. He has used this time to refocus my gaze on Him and not the day-to-day tasks that seem so urgent. The more time I spent with the Lord, the more I realized how many things I was relying on my own strength and ability for, and not the Lord’s. Without this big interruption in my life, I may have easily gone months of teaching and trying to share the Gospel with my students in my own strength. But, the Lord is so good, and gracious to us that He sweetly reveals to us our sins and shows us how magnificent He is. Praise God for his plans, and not our own. Praise God for the Holy Spirit who saves souls, and not us. 

Truth two: We need community. 

I would have not survived this month without the help of my friends, coworkers, church members, and family. They reminded me that we truly need one another, but also they reminded me that I need to consider how I can love and serve others better. These sweet souls served me so well, but putting my putting my needs above their own. They displayed how the members of the Body of Christ are called to love one another. Just as Paul says in Phillipians, we are called to love others and count them more significant than ourselves. And I am so thankful for these faithful believers who lived out this command in my life this month. Not only did they make it possible for me to get around physically and prepare sub plans, but they also reminded me of the immeasurable kindness and grace our God shows to us. None of these people were obligated to help me, yet they willingly and joyfully stepped in to help me, when I didn’t even know what I needed. They reminded me of Jesus, who served those around him by sacrificing his sleep and his time to heal and teach people. And ultimately he made the ultimate sacrifice, by dying in our place, so we could be restored to a relationship with God. So thank you to the sweet people in my life who made sacrifices for my sake, and so graciously reminded me of the Gospel in the midst of my hardships. 

Let us Strive to Put Others Before Ourselves 

Paul speaks about the beauty of the body of Christ in Phillipians. In his letter to the church of Phillippi he writes that he rejoices in the Lord because of the kindness and concern the Phillipians had towards Paul in his affliction. The Phillipians provided for Paul in some of his deepest afflictions and thus displayed the beauty of the Gospel. So let us be encouraged to count others more significant than ourselves. Let us strive to love our brothers and sisters well to the glory of God, but also those who might be hard to love and serve. Let us put aside our own interests, and count the interests of others more significant. 

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Phillipians 2:3

– Kayla Sumile, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Kayla as she serves with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact her directly to talk further about what it means to be on her support team and find out how you can be praying for her!