Bloom Where You Are Planted

As I sit here, I can’t help but smile and be overwhelmed in the gladness of all that the Lord has done in my life this past year. Last August, I packed up two suitcases and hugged my family goodbye as I followed the Lord’s leading to move to Puerto Escondido and teach Kindergarten with GEM.

As this school year came to a close, I truly believe I experienced every emotion and feeling that life can bring. The only thing that has remained constant throughout this roller coaster of a year has been the Lord. He has tenderly taken care of me and gracefully carried me through when I thought that I could do it on my own.

I truly was excited to move to Puerto and begin a new adventure. But once I took my eyes off what the Lord was doing and became more focused on myself, I began to grow bitter and confused about God’s plans for my life. What once felt exciting, comfortable and easy was now exhausting and hard. I was trying to take care of myself, rather than letting my creator, God, care for and control everything.

In my mind, I like to think of God as the gardener and we are like His plants. We, like plants, are delicate, easily weighed down and needing constant care and attention. The gardener always knows what’s best for the plant. The plant’s only responsibility is to absorb the nutrients from the soil and water and grow right where it is. Just like us. If we truly believe that God is leading and guiding us of where we should be, we no longer need to take control but simply need to bloom right where we are planted.

Isaiah 58:11 says, “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”

I share with you that when I took my eyes off of God, and was more focused on my circumstances, I was filled with pride, bitterness, and confusion… all things that are not of the Lord nor do they radiate our Savior.

This happens so frequently in our walks with the Lord. When we lose sight of what God is doing and fix our eyes solely on how we are feeling or experiencing… we become trapped in ourselves.

In Banning Liebscher’s book ‘Rooted’ he writes, “If you choose to embrace God’s process and timeline for building your root system, I believe it’s possible not only to survive but to thrive in the midst of it. By thriving, I mean growing in wisdom, character, faith, endurance, strength and more. Growing isn’t always comfortable, but it’s exhilarating and rewarding.”

We serve a good God who tenderly cares for us. He waters us with His word, prunes us by allowing trials and protects us with His daily grace and mercies.

As I continue to serve Jesus in Puerto Escondido, I am reminded daily of God’s goodness and grace. He has planted me in Mexico with precision for a purpose and with that, I can celebrate. The same is for you! Wherever God has you, you are there for a precise purpose. Allow God to take care of you and prune you as His precious plant. To bloom right where you are planted!

-Kayla Miller, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Kayla as she serves with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact her directly to talk further about what it means to be on her support team and find out how you can be praying for her!