The Few. The Proud.

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”

1 Timothy 1:15-17

The few, the proud, the Marines. I remember this commercial from the 90s when I grew up. There would be an image of a Marine in the full dress uniform. He would have the white hat and the blue duds and he was holding a shining saber. This marine would be this picture of determination, discipline, and achievement. I am very grateful for the Marines and for our military. It is profoundly right that the Marines be an institution in which its soldiers have risen above many of their peers, worked harder, proven themselves greatly and exhibited no less than the most admirable qualities. But becoming a Marine is different from becoming a Christian.

A person who becomes a Christian is one who is born again, who begins a truly vibrant spiritual life. A Christian is one who inherits eternal life. They are heirs to the Kingdom that has dominion over all other kingdoms. They are adopted by a father who is preeminent over all other officials, authorities, and governments. But they don’t rise up to this rank. No one who has ever been born again became that way because they proved themselves worthy to be counted among “the few, the proud, the Christians.” Not one single child of God was ever adopted by Him because they earned their seat at His table through sweat and determination and rigor.

Rather, a Christian is someone who has come to the realization that they deserve no place at God’s table or in His family. They have understood and acknowledged the reality that on their own merits they have no place in Heaven.

Paul says, “ Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst”. Paul realized that he was spiritually and morally bankrupt before the one true Holy God of the universe. No one comes to Jesus in true faith because they realize how good they are. No one is awarded membership in Heaven because of their great effort.

On the contrary, all Christians are “shown mercy so that in them, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen”

Christians realize that their adoption into God’s family is completely and entirely owing to ANOTHER’S efforts. Jesus Christ earned their status as God’s children. It was the blood of Jesus. It was the holiness of Jesus. It was His mercy and His grace. All of Him. It was His perfect righteousness that was counted on our behalf.

Why does God do such a thing? Why does God take undeserving, dishonest, self-centered, and immoral people and give them eternal life and joy and happiness and peace and restoration in this life? The Bible tells us, it is so that “…Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.” A Christian is saved so that it is Christ who is seen dressed in splendor holding a gleaming sword as the one who vanquished death. A believer is born again so that it is the mercy of Jesus that shines at the center of the story. A Christian is saved so that they can see that it is Christ who showed Himself to be above all others, to be stronger, greater, holier and to be more worthy of recognition. Christians know that their status is all owing to the efforts, character, merit and nature of another’s and not their own.

If any group should be made up of people who have earned the right to be recognized it should be the Marines and the military. But let all Christians say with Paul, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”

Jason Faircloth, Director of Mission Advancement

Do I Belong?

As our year wraps to an end, a question on many hearts is, “do I belong?” If we are honest, this is the question that we ask ourselves all the time. When you ask the question such as, “am I strong?,” “am I pretty?,” “am I funny?,” “am I smart?,” “will I succeed?,” or “do I matter?,” you are really asking, “do I belong” or ultimately, “am I loved?” In this post-modern age of skepticism, information, and virtual relationships, this question is screaming at us and we work to answer it. We try to answer it through preoccupations with sports, media, shopping, work, and diverse dining experiences.

For centuries around the world, this question was typically answered by the idea of belonging to a family or being a part of a country/nation/tribe. People had strong senses of identity that rarely shifted: “I’m a barbarian, I’m a Roman citizen, I’m a Jew, I’m an Iroquois warrior.” The world has become more and more global, and people identify less with their families, countries, races, and social belonging has become more of a loose collection of friends, media choices, virtual groups, gym classes, universities, football teams, coffee shop attendance, etc. In the US, it seems that family/nation has moved more and more to the background of our consciousness as we assess how we belong.

A year and a half ago, my family and I moved to Mexico to work at the Manantial School in Puerto Escondido. Life is so different here and belonging is not easy. The usual social channels of comfort in the US do not exist. We can’t go catch a game or go to the YMCA, attend a cooking class, go golfing, shop at the outlets, or meet at the kids play place. Because of the absence of these superficial affiliations, we have been faced with the reality of “Who are we?” “Do we really love people well?” “What is our purpose?” “Does anyone love me?” This has made for a difficult transition to international missions; however, in the midst of the challenges, we have also begun to experience the reality of a real community. As we have persevered through the challenges by the grace of God, family has increasingly become what we are experiencing. Through church planting, we have begun to experience the joy and closeness of Mexican family.

In Acts 2:42 after thousands of people were converted almost immediately as the gospel was preached in Jerusalem, it was reported that their immediate unifying activity was to “devote themselves to the apostles teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers.” These four activities stand in stark contrast to the world’s view of relevancy and belonging in this new age. Our gatherings and activities are not overly polished and rehearsed yet they are filled with joy and excitement about what God is doing. This is drawing people together and growing us into a family that perseveres through challenges and celebrates our victories! We choose to belong to the church and to exalt this belonging above all other affiliations.

As a church, we all agree and believe in the teaching of the apostles that Jesus Christ is the resurrected Son of God. We all choose to gather and pray together. We also choose to unite in the Lord ’s Supper, communing around him and how he died for us. This family, or church, is what I believe will be the only genuine and lasting movement that will unite people, not out of competition, greed, or ideology, but out of love and service.

As the year closes and you either come together with your family or seek to belong in other ways, I encourage you to remember that God is calling you to prioritize the Christian church, the only lasting eternal institution. All others will fade and eventually be extinguished and all that will ultimately be left is the body of Christ. How are you trying to belong? How are you seeking love? Give your life to Jesus and His church. The true spiritual church of Jesus Christ is the place where you can trust that you will always belong.

– Rob Moser, GEM Missionary

Known & Loved

I am completely known and loved by God. Psalm 139:13-16 tells us:

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

God knows everything about us! Recently, I have found comfort in the truth that a Holy God chooses to know everything about me and love me for me.

How special is it when a friend or significant other remembers something near and dear to your heart? Maybe it’s your Chick-fil-a order or on a serious note, they remember to pray for you during a time of need. When someone remembers things like that, it makes you feel special because you are known.

As believers, we are constantly under attack. Satan loves to make us feel alone and tries to isolate us as much as possible. He tries to feed us lies that people don’t care, don’t remember and you are all alone.

Although friends and family surround me, there are many times that I feel alone. I have wrestled with why I feel that way and what causes me to feel alone when I am surrounded by people whom I love and I know love me.

Being known and loved by our Holy God is the core of the Gospel. God loved us so much that He chose to send Jesus to earth to live a sinless life. He KNEW how much He loved us before we were even born. And He knew what He needed to do to save us to be reunited with Him.

Satan wants us to feel alone because when we feel alone, we are isolated from the core of the Gospel- that we are known and loved by God.

Sometimes as believers, we have this wrong view of God that He keeps track of our wrongs to hold them against us. Our God isn’t Santa Clause. Our God is a gentle, compassionate, tender, loving God who only wants the best for us.

Since I have moved to Puerto, God has constantly reminded me that He knows. He knows when I am hurting. He knows when I need a friend. He knows what makes me excited and happy. He knows that I love the ocean, wildflowers, sunsets and ice cream. I can rest in Him because He knows me. Completely.

The same truth is for you too! When you put your faith and trust in Jesus as your savior, you become His child. Let me tell you, God loves His children.

It wasn’t easy to pack up my life in two suitcases, leave my family and friends and move to a country that I don’t even speak the language. But God knows. And because He knows me and loves me completely, He has tenderly cared for me through this journey and He will continue to do so through the rest of my life.

I have to choose to remember the truth that I am known and loved by God. Leaving no room for Satan to tempt me with the lies that I am alone.

You are known and you are loved by the most Holy God.

Kayla Miller, GEM Missionary

Learning Patience

School is fun but challenging.

School is fun because I love the students, many of the students are very loving, and the entire teaching staff is committed to help these students in school, in life in general and most importantly in knowing God.

I loved these students the first time I saw them in November 2015. They are full of life. Most of them have joyful attitudes. All of them have a need for Jesus at some level as do all of us. Some know Jesus but their sin nature gets in the way at times. Others don’t know Jesus and need to keep hearing God’s word. I have seen students grow.

One student that had severe anger problems last year now has occasional bouts of anger that are so much less severe that it is miraculous. God is working in his life and it is obvious. Many other students demonstrate varying levels of increased responsibility and work ethic. A few have made professions of faith and committed their lives to Jesus. Even more miraculous, God is doing this amazing work through teachers and staff that are also fallen and broken, but now restored in Jesus.

Many of the students are loving. They enjoy hugging their favorite teachers. They beg for my lunch at times and other times they like to give me food. One girl sprays water on my face when it is hot. Oh, it is always hot. The expression of love I appreciate the most from students is completing their work.

Some of the biggest challenges in school is overcoming cultural differences as this is only my second year living and teaching in Mexico. Normally, you would not want to try too hard to overcome culture, but in this case, there is a culture of cheating and copying work. There are many students (not all) that avoid doing work in school so that they can copy from their “friends” that evening. I am learning to juggle the amount of homework and am having more success than last year keeping them on task, Praise the Lord.

My lovely wife and I are going to build a house, Lord willing. He has provided more than sufficient and it appears that construction work will actually begin on or about Monday, November 27, 2017. We are excited and know that God will give us what we need in our new house. We are looking forward to moving in in January or February if that fits in God’s plans.

God has been teaching me patience through all of this. I pray for help with patience but not too fast. Learning patience is not an easy task. God knows how much I need patience and how much learning I can stand without cracking. He has been very good to me.

-David Coulter, GEM Missionary

Jenna’s Call to Mexico

Growing up, I have listened to many missionaries speak at my church, and throughout different church events that I attended. My eyes and heart were always filled with wonder and awe as I listened to these missionaries speak and share their love for Jesus and what they did overseas. In the depths of my heart, I prayed many times that the Lord would allow me to be a missionary overseas. I wanted to experience what these missionaries were doing, and I wanted to make an impact for Christ.

As I got older, I became very complacent in my walk with the Lord. I did not grasp the Gospel for myself, but I was trying to live a life that was striving for perfection, not satisfaction in Christ. I still dreamed of becoming a missionary, but in the back of my mind, I never thought that it would happen.

In 2014, at the age of seventeen, I went to the Word of Life Bible Institute. That year, the Lord radically changed my life, my heart, and the way that I saw the Gospel and people. The Gospel became real to me, I took hold of my relationship with Jesus as my own. As I did that, by His grace, I saw missions in a new light. After my two years at the Word of Life Bible Institute, I see missions as not just an overseas thing, but an everyday life mission. I see that wherever I am, I am a missionary. Wherever I am, I want the love and grace of Jesus to pour out of me, and that is only through His strength!

Recently, I had the privilege to go to Portugal on a two-month  missions trip. I loved every minute of it and saw the hand of Jesus through everything. It was there that I prayed for the Lord to guide me where He wants me to be next. I want to use the gifts that God has given me to honor Him, and I prayed that God would use my gifts in any way He wants. The Lord reminded me of the passion that He has given me for kids! I absolutely love kids. I think each one of them is incredible, special, and uniquely made by the Lord for His purpose and glory. I knew about Global Education Ministries, and when I looked into it more, I saw what an awesome opportunity it would be to be able to pour into little lives every day, and to show these children how special they are and what an amazing purpose Jesus has for their lives!! After praying more, and seeking what Jesus wants me to do, I have started to pursue going to Mexico, and asking the Lord to provide for everything if this is truly where He wants me to be.

So, now I am here, by the Lord’s sweet, sweet grace. It is true that He gives us the desires of our hearts. He knows my heart, my gifts, and where my passions lie. I feel so undeserving to have this opportunity to serve Him in Mexico as I have the privilege to teach and love on the children I get to see each day! I praise the Lord for all this, because all these blessings are from Him, and it’s a privilege to serve my Savior!!

Jenna Osimo, GEM Missionary