An Unlikely Place

It all started on a Friday afternoon. A normal 28-week check-up. Two first time parents excited to see their little boy on the ultrasound. And then the words that changed our lives forever; “this baby is not making it to 40 weeks.”

I wish that I could watch the next events take place as if I was watching a movie. I have forgotten so many details of the birth of our son, but there is one moment that has been etched in my heart forever. The morning of September 1, 2018 my husband, Chucho, came to my bedside at the hospital and said, “the doctor has been monitoring Noah’s heartbeat, and it’s been very irregular, and he says that in about an hour you’re going to have a c-section.” I felt excited and nervous (mostly about getting the epidural), but there was no fear. We had updated our family and friends, but I did not realize until many days later the number of people who were praying for us.

I have always known what prayer is, but until this trial, I had never experienced its power. I am generally a slow processor and four months later, looking back, I think, “how could I have been so at peace?!” There I was, without my husband, in a room without a single person who spoke English, about to meet my son who was coming two months early, and I felt not a single ounce of fear.

I have a quote written in my Bible that states, “I want a relationship with God where prayer feels as natural as breathing.” And after this experience, I have seen how powerful the gift of prayer is.

George Mueller, a man known for housing more than 10,000 orphans in his lifetime, is said to have over 50,000 recorded answers to prayer in his journal! He faithfully began each day on his knees worshiping the Savior in prayer.

In this world, it seems that prayer is getting placed on the back burner of a relationship with God. We feel worthy if we physically serve the Lord in some way or if we give time or money to help those in need. That satisfying feeling of accomplishing something in the name of Jesus.

But here comes the challenge, to me and everyone who has taken the time to read these words. Make time to simply talk and listen to Jesus. Whether it’s waking up 30 minutes earlier or choosing those free moments in the day to put down your phone, we need to make the eternal decision that Christ is beyond worthy of our time. I have felt the power of being prayed for, so have faith that your words are not in vain and choose the One who always chooses you.

-Sarah Quigg Santos, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Sarah and be a part of her financial or prayer team, you can do so HERE or contact her directly HERE.