Amigos Everywhere

Over the summer, we, the Herring family, moved into our second Mexican casa. Although our first casita was very near and dear to our hearts, we knew that with baby #4 on the way, we all would need a little more space. We went back and forth, mulling over pros and cons, and decided the hardest part about moving would be leaving our beloved neighbors and the best ‘hood’ in Puerto, Lazaro. (That’s for you, Faircloths 😉 But after much prayer and leaving it in God’s hands, a perfect house opened up for us to move into and we jumped on the opportunity!

We loved so many things about the house, but one of my main concerns was that it was out in the middle of nowhere, with very few houses in sight. Our old hood was really populated and the kids made such dear friends, so I really desired that for them here as well. But we continued to move forward, trusting that God was moving us where He wanted us and that He would provide in His perfect way.

After living in our new house for about 3 months now, it is safe to say that there is never a shortage of kids in Mexico. There is an endless supply of amigos everywhere. From day one of us moving in, kids emerged from the woods to meet us. On day two, there were 8 kiddos, between the ages of 5 and 10, playing, laughing, and running all over our house. Every time we pulled up in our car, they would come running to greet us. Each meal time consisted of many little heads peeking in our windows, watching our every move, due to our lack of curtains! On our Friday family movie night, we thought it was just the 5 of us enjoying the movie, ‘Sing.’ Much to our surprise, when the movie finished we heard loud clapping and cheering from outside our window, to find out that all 8 of those kiddos thoroughly enjoyed the movie as well.

One of the sweetest things about Mexican culture is that it doesn’t matter what age, what gender, or what language you speak. Kids are kids, and they can find great joy and fun with whoever they are around, no matter how long the list of differences. Chasing butterflies, catching grasshoppers, and running in the rain come naturally and are the highlights of their days. And I’m so thankful that God saw it fit to remind me once again, “Why do you worry? I have every detail worked out. I know just what you need. “ He really is so good.

Megan Herring, Co-founder of GEM