A Thankful Heart is Good Medicine

I am a true lover of words. The way that gifted writers and speakers can weave them together is as beautiful as the most amazing sunset. Words make the listener cry, or laugh, or simply think. And usually, I have no trouble stringing together words when given the opportunity. But for this last blog post for the school year, I decided to let my students speak. I could think of no better way to end the year than to let 16 5th graders have the chance to explain why they love Manantial. (I have not edited any of the words, so enjoy their writing as most of them have learned English as a second language 🙂

“…it’s a good school to learn English. I am happy to stay there. We go to chapel and sing songs of God.” – Angel

“I am thankful for Manantial because they are patience with us and they give us love. And I am thankful to for my teachers they are a good example for all the students.” – Evelyn

“I love Manantial. I love my teachers. I love my friends. I am so thankful for everything.” – Oscar

“Because is to cool getting happy with my teachers and with all the students. This is the best school I have seen ever.” – Ludwig

“I can learn English, I can play, I can learn about God, the stories of the Bible. I have a lot of fun.” – Gadiel

“Thank you Manantial for they speak English, and I like the school because they talk something of God.” – Leilani

“I am happy to be here because there are so many good teachers and friends. I like so much this school, thanks God for this opportunity.” – Jocelyn

“I am thankful for all the school, for all my friends, for all the food, for all the games and especially the teachers because they are kind, patience, and the best teachers of the world.” – Mateo

“I really like the teachers and how kind and patient they are, it really makes me feel very happy inside my heart.” – Jaedon

“I love everything about Manantial school. We sing, we dance, we have movies and food, and I love to be in this school.” – Arianna

“It is a blessing to the city of Puerto. I love Manantial!” – Gabe

“I am thankful for the Manantial because here in the school the teachers are good with you, and in the school we have different class.” – Dominic

“My whole family is thankful the school and the teachers beautiful. I like the teachers and friends and lunch and recess.” – Milca

“I am thankful for Manantial because I love God so much and all my friends are here. So I like Bible and Math, so when I like to go to recess and I see my grades going up so good. And I am so happy to be in Manantial. It is the best school in the world. Peace out.” – Zion

-Sarah Quigg Santos, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Sarah and be a part of her financial or prayer team, you can do so HERE or contact her directly HERE.