God is Working in Juquila

Before Annie and I arrived in Juquila we had no idea what was going to happen. We didn’t know if the people would be welcoming or cold, whether they would accept the message of the gospel or reject it. From the things we had heard in the past we didn’t think they would be to fond of our school and the message we had to share.

Our first year we had about 20 students, a few brave families that were willing to try an alternative education (there aren’t many christian schools in Mexico, especially our region). We were able to share the gospel with these 20 or so students along with their families, they were receptive but we had yet to see much fruit from it. The parents were telling us that their children were different, that they were kinder, happier, and excited to go to school. We saw this as some fruit of the school. Parents would have us over for dinner and we would have opportunities to share God’s word with them.

This school year we now have 35 students! More kids, more families, more work, but also much more opportunity to share the love of Jesus.

One of our new students this year, Ivan, is always excited to learn about the Bible in Bible class and also in Chapel. He is always telling the Bible stories and verses to his parents. One day Annie and I were in a store and some man who appeared to be drunk was saying my name over and over, we asked him who he was and he said that he was Ivan’s dad, he then began to recite a verse back to us that our students had been learning, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10). He went on to say that he was so happy his son was in the school learning these things, and that he didn’t want him to end up a drunk like him. We reassured him that it wasn’t too late for him either. A few months passed and Ivan’s mom came to the school, she asked us what religion we follow, we said we are Christians, and then she asked if she could come to church with us! We were so excited! We are coming to find out that our students are sharing the gospel and the Bible with their own parents, how great is that!?

We have another new student this year named Bryan, his parents decided to put him in our school because he experienced lots of bullying in the other schools. The first few days of school we could tell that Bryan did not have a good school experience in the past, he was very quiet and didn’t appear to be happy. With time he became more and more talkative and happy, a few weeks in and his parents said that he couldn’t wait to go to school in the mornings. In December Bryans mom came to the school to talk with us, she began to tell us how much Bryan has changed. She said that one day she walking into his room and she saw him down on his knees praying, the mom was overwhelmed at how her son had changed! She said that he will often lead prayers with them and teach them things from the Bible. A few weeks ago we got invite Bryans family over to the school to have dinner, we ate together and shared from the Word with his family. After we finished talking with them, Bryan’s dad spoke up. He began to share how thankful he was that we had been investing in his child and his family. He also told us that he wanted to learn more about the Bible, he said that he was relieved at how simple the gospel was, that all we have to do is put our faith in what Jesus Christ has done for us, not the Virgin of Juquila or anything else. They are excited to learn more abut Jesus!

These are just a few of the things that God has been doing in Juquila! Please continue to pray for our school La Luz and the people of Juquila. That God would continue to soften hearts and draw people to himself!