A prayer for my students

As we’re preparing for a new school year it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the things we have to do as teachers. From setting up your classroom to getting your lesson plans ready, in addition to staff meetings and regular life it can be easy to feel busy. However, something I’ve been trying to remember to make time for in the middle of all the busyness is praying for my students. 

I want my kids to have an amazing school year, but not because of anything I will do. I want them to have an amazing year growing to know Christ more or for some of them learning about Christ and possibly accepting His love into their lives for the first time. So with that in mind, I’ve been praying for my students and for their families. I also have a list of things I’ve prayed for that have Bible verses backing them up and helping serve as a reminder of what I want for my students. 

I did get the foundation for this off of Pinterest because what don’t teachers get from Pinterest? However, I changed a lot of the scripture to be verses that I felt worked better for my students or added on to the scripture they suggested. When I pray for my students I pray that they will have:

  • a good attitude in everything that they do (Psalm 19:14.)
  • Boldness, to do things they’ve never done before or things that might scare them because they know that with Christ we can do all things (Psalm 27:1.)
  • Courage, to do what is right and to do anything they set their mind to (Psalm 31:24.)
  • Discernment, to know what is good for them and what is not, to understand the truth and tell it from a lie (Philippians 1:9-10.)
  • Enthusiasm, for school, for their work, and for anything they do (Colossians 3:23.)
  • Friendliness, to share with others and to protect one another. To stand up for someone when they need it and to be there when they need a friend (Proverbs 18:24.)
  • Generosity, toward their fellow students and people in the community who need help (2 Corinthians 9:7.)
  • Humility, to know that none of us know everything and everyone has rough days so we need to be understanding because we don’t all come from the same background (Micah 6:8)
  • Knowledge, so that they can learn and use what they have learned in my class and in the future (Proverbs 18:15.)
  • Listening, that they would learn that we listen to understand and have the ability to focus on doing so (Proverbs 12:15.)
  • Maturity, in all matters. Especially in how we behave and treat others (1 Corinthians 14:20.)
  • That they would be good neighbors, treating all of their classmates how they would want to be treated and learning to work well with those in their group to be more of a family rather than just a grade level (Mark 12:31.)
  • That they would overflow, with hope, joy, wisdom, and blessings (Romans 15:13.)
  • That they would have the courage and wisdom to have perseverance to get through any trial thrown at them (Galatians 6:9.)
  • That they would know when is the time for action and when is the time to remain quiet and still (Proverbs 29:11.)
  • Respect, for the teachers and for each other (Romans 12:10.)
  • That they would have self control in all matters and take a moment to think before they act (2 Timothy 1:7.)
  • That they would always be thankful for what they have and the opportunities they’ve been given (1 Chronicles 16:34.)
  • That they would desire to have an understanding of how things work and why we do the things we do (Psalm 119:130.)
  • That they would have many victories throughout the year and that we could celebrate them together (Psalm 18:28-29.)
  • Wisdom, in all of their choices and things that they do (James 3:17.)
  • That they would strive for excellence just as their teachers are (Proverbs 3:7-10.)
  • That they would use their youthfulness to their advantage (1 Timothy 4:12.)
  • Finally, that they would have a zeal for life, for learning and for God (Romans 12:11.) 

I pray for these things for every student at our schools this year and for their families, and for our staff. Sometimes we get so caught up in all the first few weeks of school activities that we can forget the most important activity our students need, covering them in prayer and the Gospel before they even enter the building for the year. I can’t wait to see how this year unfolds.

-Heather Wrench, GEM Missionary

If you’d like to support Heather as she serves with GEM in Mexico, you can do so HERE. You can also contact her directly to talk further about what it means to be on her support team and find out how you can be praying for her!