Let Us Live

Growing up in beautiful New England, those Fall month memories are filled with changing leaves, hot apple cider…and FOOTBALL. More specifically the New England Patriots. When it comes to loving a solid team (I’m trying to stay modest here) it can be exhilarating…and at times heartbreaking. This past Super Bowl was a true test for any Patriot’s fan. My family has a group chat, mostly filled with childhood memories and sports bantering, and leading up to that fateful night it was bursting with Patriots talk. But, on that February night, it was mostly silent (except for a few frustrated remarks). Halftime began, and while the group I was with kept oohing and ahhing over Lady Gaga, I was stewing in my despair. Then, I saw a message. One that I will not soon forget. My Mom texted the group and said, “Now the victory will only be sweeter.”

And it so was.

The next week (or month if I’m honest) I watched highlight reels, interviews, and analysts discuss every key moment of that historical game. And as I saw Atlanta score touchdown after touchdown, for some reason, the pain wasn’t there anymore. For some reason, I didn’t feel like crying, running from the room, or throwing something (after reaching a certain age I learned to control my sports emotions). And that reason was because I knew the result. I knew that Hightower’s forced fumble was coming. I knew that Brady would soon find his rhythm. I knew that the Patriots would leave the field victorious.

I heard this definition of trust recently that stated, “trust is confidence based on past experiences.”

That statement reminded me of an interview I had watched with a retired Patriot player after the game. He remarked, “I never doubted Tom’s ability because of what I had seen him accomplish before.”

And I started thinking of how often I choose to not trust in Jesus. The one who never had to earn my trust, but chooses to, moment by moment. The one who has never disappointed or let me down. The Bible is filled with examples of how God is always full of grace for His people. My life is filled with examples of His love and dependability. Yet, sometimes it’s easier for me to put trust in humans. To trust in someone or something that is so fallible, instead of the Creator of ALL things.

John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I watched those football highlights and felt peace because I knew the end, but let’s never forget that Jesus has already declared that He has overcome the world. We know the END. We know that Jesus wins. We know that one day this world will fade away, and all that will matter is Jesus.

So, let us live like we KNOW the end of the story. Let us live like we KNOW we are victorious. Let us live in the peace that we KNOW debt, disease, famine, war, heartbreak…we KNOW these trials will be healed one day by our Maker. Because Jesus, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords…HE is on our side.

Sarah Quigg is serving her second year at our school in Mexico as the 5th-grade teacher. We are so blessed to have her on our team, and our students are INCREDIBLY blessed by her God-given talent for teaching and loving them so well.