Moser’s to Mexico!

Since moving to Wilmington, NC in 2010, Mauri and I have been sensing that God brought us here to be prepared for full-time vocational ministry. God led us to Crossway Chapel where our hearts have been molded and shaped through faithful teaching, training, and fellowship. Over the past few years, we have also heard stories and testimony of the ministry happening in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. As we were humbled by and instructed in the scriptures, and as the call to full-time ministry grew in our hearts, Mauri and I began to fast and pray.

In January of 2016, after a month of intense prayer and discernment, the Lord made clear to us His calling for our family. My (Rob’s) role in Mexico will be School Counselor and 7th Grade Bible Teacher. Mauri will be assisting part-time with administration and recruiting for the school, while also caring for our 5 children at home.

In June of last year, we adopted three children, who joined our two biological children in what we now call “Moser Nation.” The kids have been so inspiring, as God has answered our prayers for Him to place this call on their hearts as well. We have seen them, without encouragement from us, say they think we should go and preach the gospel to the people there.

One of our older sons prayed one night at bedtime, “God, will you help us to know if we should stay and preach the gospel here or go and preach the gospel in Mexico.” He said to me as I was leaving the room, “Daddy, I think God wants us to preach the gospel in Mexico!” On the same evening, our other oldest son said, “Daddy, it’s going to be hard, but I think it’s the right thing to do.” God answered our prayers in placing this on all of our kids’ hearts, and we believe strongly that God is sending our family to Mexico to love His people there and share the gospel of salvation in Christ.

Jesus has been so faithful to us and has blessed this process with countless examples of His positioning for this new ministry opportunity! Our hope is to see many in Puerto baptized in the name of Christ and to build up His church there. It’s going to be an adventure, but His adventures are the best adventures!

mosersThe Moser clan will set out for Mexico towards the end of July. They are currently raising finances to support their move. If you would like to join their prayer and support team, please email Rob at