Babies in Mexico

Mexicans love children. They just seem to always be happy when a baby is around. It has been a joy to raise our 18-month-old son, Abraham, in Mexico. The first social event that we attended with our newborn son was an eye-opening experience. An adoring Mexican mama took Abe to hold him. And for the duration of the event, he was passed from person to person. I don’t think I saw him again until it was time to go home. This might freak a mom out in the United States, but it is absolutely normal here in Mexico.

It doesn’t matter if we are at the market, dining out, walking the neighborhood or on a flight. If we are out and about with Abraham in Mexico, we can count on being stopped and spoken to. Caring neighbors will inquire about newly found skills. Strangers in the restaurants will exclaim over his eyes and bring him toys or fashion a toy out of a napkin for him. The market ladies ask for kisses and say his name like it’s the most beautiful one in the world. Angel n abeThe men who bag groceries at the supermarket will talk with Abraham and bring him a balloon when he is upset or hungry. Young travellers will share magazines, play peekaboo, and pass out snacks to distract Abraham on flights.

What is even more remarkable to me is how the children and teenagers interact with Abe. They are naturals in loving babies. Abraham is promptly picked up and carried around by children only two or three years older than him. Drool or explosive diapers do not intimidate these children. They take it in stride and try to help as much as possible. Even teenage boys are always thrilled to see Abraham; they are happy to greet him and love on him.

As a new bride in the United States, I would always be asked, “Do you want children?” For a new bride here in Mexico it is not a question of do you want, but when will you have a baby. I can’t help but think this is best. Babies are a gift. Not just because I think so but because God says so. Psalm 127:3-5 says, “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”

12767297_10205654936563275_1853516999_nKate Faircloth has lived in Puerto Escondido for almost 3 years now. Her husband, Jason, currently teaches 2nd grade at the Manantial School. Kate spends her days raising Abraham and helping out often in Jason’s classroom.