What is a GSS?

As Christians, we believe the best type of school is a Gospel-Saturated School. So what is a Gospel-Saturated School? According to Webster's dictionary, the word saturate means to fill completely with something that permeates or pervades. A Gospel-Saturated School is a place where students not only encounter the truth of Jesus in one class but where the love and grace of Jesus are experienced all throughout the school. This type of school is largely dependent upon teachers who are themselves saturated in the gospel, who understand their calling as missionaries and naturally weave the Gospel into their teaching, discipline, relationships, and daily example.

GEM Schools Distinctives

Affordable Schools

We believe all GEM schools should be affordable to everyone in the community. Within each community, families are given the opportunity to become part of the school regardless of their economic status. Our goal is to ensure GEM schools remain schools with high-quality education that is affordable to all children and their families.

Accessible Schools

We believe all GEM schools should be open and accessible to Christian and non-Christian families. Unlike many Christian schools that tend to focus on discipleship of Christian students, GEM schools are designed to be outreach ministries to bring the gospel to students and their families who do not know Jesus.

Gospel Saturated Schools

We believe that it's not enough just to offer a bible class and teach with Christian material. Our aim is for all GEM schools to be completely saturated in the gospel. Our schools are designed to incorporate the gospel naturally into every aspect of schooling through gospel woven instruction, gospel centered discipline, gospel motivated relationships, and gospel examples. In order to create this gospel-saturated environment, all GEM teachers are carefully selected from missionaries whose most important calling is to be ministers of the gospel.

Making Disciples

Gospel-Woven Instruction

We believe missionary teachers should weave the truth of the gospel into every lesson they teach. Gospel-woven instruction is the practice of speaking the truth of Jesus into every subject that is taught. This is not merely putting a verse in the middle of a math or science lesson. Rather, it is finding a way to speak truth about who God is in every single subject. If God is the creator of all things, then all things must reflect Him in some way. If done effectively, every class, math, social studies, or science is really a Bible class that teaches the students more about the gospel and the glory of God.

How Our Schools Grow the Church

Training Future Christian Leaders

When students and parents come to saving faith in Jesus we embrace our opportunity to train and equip our students to enter the world in whichever profession they choose and use that as a platform to reach others with the gospel.

Strengthening Churches

GEM Schools are not a replacement for the local church. We believe that local churches should be grown and strengthened by families that come to faith in Jesus through our schools.

Planting Churches

We believe new churches should be planted all around the world. Our desire is that the families reached by our GEM schools would be used to assist in the planting process.